
1. tf.data (官方推荐):方便地构建复杂的输入管道
2. Feeding:通过input_fn来yield数据
3. QueueRunner:基于队列的输入管道
4. 预加载数据。用constant或variable在内存中存储所有的数据
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The Development of Movement – Stages

By Dr Emmi Pikler

An excerpt PEACEFUL BABIES – CONTENTED MOTHERS (published in 1940),
taken from the Sensory Awareness Foundation publication BULLETIN (Number 14/Winter 1994).

Children, particularly in cities, tend to sit poorly and have bad posture. They cannot sit, stand or walk properly, not to mention more complicated movements.

This, of course, is not self-evident to every reader.  I can hear the astonished responses: “What? My children can’t move?!” “My little daughter could already sit when she was just four months old”  “Mine was already standing at six months”… “When my son was not even one year old, he was walking.”
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